Category Archives: sexuality

Brokebutt Mounting

So I finally got around to watching Brokebutt Mounting, er, no… Pokebutt Mountain… wait, that’s still not right… was it Bareback Mountain? Um, no. Let me think… Brokeback Mountain, maybe? Yeah, that’s it, it was Brokeback Mountain. I watched Brokeback Mountain, the cinematic sensation of 2006, a touching, tragic drama about faggot cowboys in love and the horrors of heterosexual marriage.

Jack and Ennis

I was expecting a strong dose of homosexual propaganda, and in that respect, Pokebutt didn’t disappoint. What I wasn’t prepared for, however, was how monumentally boring this movie was. It was about two hours long but felt like four. At 45 minutes, I was already drumming my fingers, wondering when it was going to end so I could go do something more exciting, like trim my toenails or roll those pennies I’ve been accumulating in a jar for the last decade. Even the soporific The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford wasn’t as mindnumbingly dull as this.

Ignoring the propaganda aspect and judging the movie solely on artistic merit, Brokebutt Mounting did not deserve the hype that surrounded it. Sure, the photography was nice, but the acting was stagy and there wasn’t enough of a story to fill two hours. And as beautiful as the natural scenery was, it didn’t make up for the distasteful subject matter. If this movie hadn’t been serving a role in Hollywood’s long-running campaign to normalize and promote homosexuality, it would’ve toured the arthouse circuit, picked up a few awards from queer film festivals, developed a minor cult following within the lavender set, and then it would’ve vanished into obscurity, never attaining the status of household word that it did.

It was notable how little homoeroticism there was on the screen; we get to see the tits of two of the actresses, but all of that sizzling man-on-man action must have ended up on the cutting room floor. That’s because the whole thing would’ve fallen apart and turned into a ludicrous farce that no one could take seriously if they had shown what it was that those “gay” cowboys were actually doing up in those mountains. The audience would’ve been left scratching its head, wondering what was so great about having one’s rectum torn that a man would ruin his entire life for it. It would have come off as sleazy, pathetic, and pathological (which, of course, it is).

A salient feature of the “gay rights” movement is that it never discusses what it is that fags actually do in the bedroom; in other words, it never mentions the defining feature of homosexuality. This is conspicuously omitted from its PR materials because it knows that normal people would be disgusted by these activities and wouldn’t be able to take its political demands seriously. The “civil rights” movement might’ve had some semblance of legitimacy since blacks are, after all, born that way and can’t help the color of their skin; but no one in his right mind is going to assent to granting special rights and privileges to a bunch of hedonistic fudgepackers, grown men with shitty tongues who desire to spend their lives ejaculating down each other’s gullets. I mean, what next — zoophiles demanding the “right” to marry sheep?

One of the cornhole cowboys was named Ennis. Ennis rhymes with penis, and the way his Texan bumbuddy pronounced it, it sounded like he was calling him “anus.” Ennis, penis, anus — was this some sort of inside joke or subliminal message, or just a happy, but random, coincidence?

In the end, Pennis’s bitch Jack, who was a little less bashful about his perversion, gets his head bashed in with a tire iron by a posse of vicious, knuckle-dragging rednecks (are there any other kind?). Despite the fact that Jack was obviously murdered, there is no criminal investigation, the death being filed as accidental, because, you see, for decades The Patriarchy has been covertly perpetrating what amounts to a slow Holocaust against queers by turning a blind eye to fag-bashing. All breeders are in on this conspiracy, including the Sheriff’s office. You could fill a football field with the piled corpses of the victims of homophobia. Jack’s demise was tragic, truly tragic — I lost count of how many tissues I used to sop up my tears — though to let reality intrude for a moment, one might consider that statistically, the odds would’ve been far greater of Jack dying from AIDS than at the hands of heartless hillbillies.

The origin of the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality

Loxist bulldyke Gertrude Stein

In the first half of the 20th century, the word “gay” was synonymous with “happy” or “joyous.” Now it refers to homosexuality. How did such a formerly innocent, innocuous term come to be associated with something as unsavory and unsanitary as queer buttsex?

From the Wikipedia article on the word “Gay”:

“A passage from Gertrude Stein’s Miss Furr & Miss Skeene (1922) is possibly the first traceable published use of the word to refer to a homosexual relationship. According to Linda Wagner-Martin (Favored Strangers: Gertrude Stein and her Family (1995)) the portrait, ‘featured the sly repetition of the word gay, used with sexual intent for one of the first times in linguistic history…'”

From the Wikipedia article on Gertrude Stein:

“Gertrude Stein, the youngest of a family of five children, was born in 1874 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania (merged with Pittsburgh in 1907), to well-educated German-Jewish immigrant parents.” [Emphasis added. -IA]

As can be readily seen, use of the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality is yet another instance of the jewing of the English language.

How to reduce the population

  1. Make birth control, especially “the pill,” widely available.
  2. Legalize abortion-on-demand.
  3. Frighten teenagers away from having children after high school through mandatory “sex education” classes.
  4. Promote feminism so that women put careers or hedonistic pursuits over having children, or develop such negative attitudes or unrealistic expectations towards men that they are incapable of making the compromises necessary to be in a long-term relationship with a man.
  5. In the mass media, continually depict sex as a recreational, rather than procreational, activity.
  6. Promote homosexuality and other sexually aberrant behaviors that won’t result in pregnancy (such as anal sex between heterosexuals).
  7. Degrade the institution of marriage by allowing easy divorces and same-sex marriage, and by making divorce proceedings so grossly unfair towards men that few will want to marry.
  8. Legalize hardcore pornography; flood society with porn so that men end up preferring masturbation over actually finding a mate to have children with. Make sure that the majority of hardcore porn emphasizes anal sex over normal heterosexual intercourse which could lead to pregnancy.
  9. Feed male babies soy formula and other oestrogenic substances so that their reproductive systems don’t develop normally, making them unable to reproduce.
  10. To reduce fertility, encourage a nutritionally-poor diet in which white flour, refined sugar, and processed vegetable oils account for most of the calories.
  11. To reduce fertility, encourage a vegetarian diet, especially one in which unfermented soy products are the principal source of protein.
  12. To reduce fertility, encourage people, especially teens and young adults, to take illicit drugs, as well as smoke and regularly abuse alcohol.

Facebook rejects ad promoting lesbianism

“[W]hile homosexuals vehemently reject being considered mentally ill, they have no problems regarding those who dislike homosexuality as mentally ill.”

“A healthy society is life-affirming. Homosexuality is the metaphysical negation of life. Incapable of reproduction (giving life), it can replenish its numbers only by seduction.” –Don Feder*

Ad rejected by Facebook

Rejected by Facebook

Read the homosexual spin on the story here:

Now, heed well my words: until such time as they are free to push homoerotic material in every ad, every magazine, on every bus, street sign, and TV channel, queers are going to continue complaining about “homophobia.” They have only gotten started in their campaign to destroy the sexual mores of our society. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Accusations of “homophobia” are not about promoting the so-called “rights” of an “oppressed minority,” they are about depriving normal straight people of the right to raise a family in an environment in which their children aren’t being continually exposed to the homosexual death culture (as per the Don Feder quote above, the homosexual counterculture is, quite literally, a death culture, since it in essence encourages people to not have children; and that’s to say nothing of AIDS and other diseases to which homosexual men are disproportionately subject due to their unhealthy lifestyles and sexual practices).

Note the progression thus far: in only a few decades, the homosexual movement has gone from such seemingly (to some people) reasonable demands as not having queer bars shut down by police, to now insisting, at threat of boycott, to having “the right” to publicly display homoerotic material anywhere they wish (and sometimes, to even engage in homosexual intercourse in public). It’s only going to get worse, folks. Much, much worse.**

There is no way that our heterosexual culture can peaceably coexist with a militant homosexual counterculture. Make no mistake: Incidents like these are a declaration of war against the heterosexual majority.

My advice is that straight people stop allowing themselves to be bullied by accusations of “homophobia” and start standing up for themselves by telling these militant queers to f*ck off. Queers want to boycott Amazon (see story here) and Facebook? Fine. Straights should do the same. Send emails to Facebook and Amazon informing them you’ll refuse to use their sites and services if they cave in to pressure from the homosexual lobby and allow homoerotic material to be displayed. It’s time to stop pussyfooting with these deviants and start hitting back. There’s a lot more of us out there than there are queers; if only we could get more organized…

And to the Christian wimps who say things like “hate the sin, not the sinner,” you’re not going to have your cake and eat it too. The only way to defeat the homosexual lobby is through hatred and intolerance. There is no other way. When it becomes unsafe for queers to walk down the street holding hands, or to otherwise publicly announce their sexual preference, that’s when we’ll have them off our backs. Until such time, you can expect the demands of the homosexual lobby to become increasingly strident and outlandish.

Let me repeat that this is a war, not a misunderstanding of some kind that can be politely worked out over tea and crumpets. The queers know perfectly well what they are doing and the ramifications of what they’re doing. This is a war, and as such, your options are either to stand up and fight, or drop your weapons, roll over, and let the homos sodomize your corpse.

Hopefully future generations will look back on this putrid, degenerate sewer of an era of ours and fully appreciate what the consequences are of allowing queers out of the closet, and thus avoid repeating our mistake.

* Yes, I know Mr. Feder is Jewish, and that I don’t always have the kindest things to say about Jews, but truth is truth no matter who expresses it. At least Mr. Feder isn’t like the Jew Ezra Levant, who is trying to sell conservatives on the idea of homosexual marriage.

** To get an idea of what homosexuals see all of this leading to, see the 2004 movie A Dirty Shame by homosexual filmmaker John Waters.

Thoughts on masturbation

by Igor Alexander

Some old-fashioned mores have a certain logic behind them, such as a long period of courtship (dating) before consummating the relationship (screwing), since it allows potential partners to get to know one another before the possibility of pregnancy comes into the picture. This makes it likelier that the marriage, should one occur, will be a happy one, and thus, that it will last.


The old proscription on male masturbation, however, doesn’t make much sense to me. I mean, what’s the harm? First of all, men, unlike women, have a real physiological need to get off on a regular basis, and if they don’t, it can result in physical discomfort (a condition known as “blue balls”). So what are men supposed to do? Run out and have sex every time the urge hits them? That’s hardly realistic.

Furthermore, I would argue that masturbation can help men make wiser decisions when it comes to choosing a mate. Just as it’s not a good idea to go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, lest you pass over more nutritional choices in favor of junk food in order to satisfy your immediate hunger, it’s not a good idea to pick a mate when you’re horny, since you’ll likely gravitate towards the tastiest piece of ass without paying much attention to her character. Masturbation helps you think about a prospective mate with your big head rather than your little one.

If masturbation can prevent you from shacking up with the wrong broad and having to put yourself and your children through the pain of a divorce, then it can’t be bad (though if you’re burping the worm 20 times a day, you might want to consider finding a job or a hobby ’cause you have way too much free time on your hands).

So where does the stigma on male masturbation come from, anyways? In his book The Rantings of a Single Male, Thomas Ellis writes, “Why are women so threatened by porn? I believe it’s because women lose power when they can no longer hold men in a state of sexual deprivation.” Perhaps it’s not the porn per se, but rather, the masturbation, which women find threatening, since it reduces their sexual hold over men. Perhaps that’s why mothers from days gone by used to caution their sons, “if you don’t stop it you’ll go blind” or “you’ll grow hair on the palms of your hands.”

Lesbian attempts to rape ‘wife’ with sperm-filled syringe

Insemination fight ends in wife’s arrest
By Conor Berry, Berkshire Eagle Staff
Updated: 03/13/2009 08:51:53 PM EDT

Thursday, March 12

PITTSFIELD — A woman who allegedly intended to artificially inseminate her wife with her brother’s semen has been charged with domestic assault and battery.

Pittsfield police responded to a call shortly before 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in the city’s Morningside neighborhood, where the assault allegedly occurred.

Stephanie K. Lighten, 26, was released on personal recognizance after denying the allegations in Central Berkshire District Court Wednesday morning.

Stephanie K. Lighten, charged with spousal abuse

Stephanie K. Lighten, charged with spousal abuse

Jennifer A. Lighten, 33, told police that Stephanie Lighten, her wife, was “all liquored up” when she returned to their Lincoln Street apartment, where the defendant then allegedly tried to use a syringe to inseminate her, according to a police report.

Jennifer told investigating officers that Stephanie “has been talking about trying to impregnate (her) for some time,” police said.

According to a report by Pittsfield Police Officer Kipp D. Steinman: “Jennifer said that Stephanie had a ‘turkey baster and her brother’s semen in a sealed container.’ Jennifer said she told Stephanie that she didn’t want to get pregnant.” The device was actually a large syringe with a catheter tip, police said, and it was still in its original package when officers confiscated the item.

That’s allegedly when Stephanie threw Jennifer on the couch, grabbed at her clothes and threatened to impregnate her, police said.

Jennifer broke free, ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Stephanie “then broke the bathroom door down,” police said, hurting her wrist in the process.

When Stephanie went to retrieve an ice pack from the freezer, Jennifer bolted from the apartment and attempted to get away in the couple’s sport utility vehicle, police said.

As Jennifer pulled away from the scene, Stephanie “jumped on the side of their vehicle, swung the door open and made (Jennifer) stop,” Steinman said.

According to Officer John Bassi, a witness at the scene claimed Stephanie “was hanging on the SUV door handle, trying to get into the car.” Amber Hunt told Bassi that Stephanie nearly caused an accident when the vehicle narrowly missed hitting a tree in the front yard of Hunt’s Spring Street home.

Police arrested Stephanie Lighten near the intersection of Spring and Curtis streets in Morningside.

Police also confiscated the container of semen and some aluminum foil, which was originally used to hold the semen. Nicholas Lighten, Stephanie Lighten’s brother, was the donor, according to police.

Story continued at:

(Also see What’s With All The Lesbians?)

Deceptions of the homosexual movement: “Homosexuality about ‘love,’ not sex”

by Igor Alexander

I’ve been noticing a consistent pattern lately on the part of homosexuals, both male and female, to play down the “sex” part of homosexuality and try to present it instead as a “love” or a “romance” thing. I no longer believe that this is truthful or sincere on their part, but is rather a ruse, a calculated, coordinated “educational effort,” to try to make homosexuality more acceptable to and less easy to criticize by the heterosexual majority. This strategy makes sense, since many heterosexual people find the sex part of homosexuality, particularly male homosexuality, revolting. It also dovetails with the campaign by homosexual zealots to extend the so-called “right” of marriage to homosexuals (unfortunately, far too many heterosexuals view marriage as being solely about romantic love and miss its real purpose — to be touched on later — which prevents them from understanding why homosexual marriage shouldn’t be allowed).

This tactic seems to be working with a lot of people; mention the word “love” to some people (particularly females) and their rational senses seem to shut down to be replaced by a warm, fuzzy feeling. “Aww, it can’t be bad if it’s love! The only evil in this world is hate, and only a hater would try to stand in the way of love.” Kinda scary that as many adults with full voting privileges have an intellectual capacity that doesn’t exceed a Hallmark card.

live eel in gay man's rectum

It's all about the romance: Here is an actual photo of a live eel -- that's right, the aquatic animal -- which managed to find its way into the rectum of a 'gay' man. It had to be surgically removed. Such cases are not uncommon in the emergency wards of hospitals. Click on the photo for more details.

I do not believe that a lesbian can experience “love” towards a woman in the same way that a heterosexual experiences love towards a partner of the opposite sex. Whenever I see lesbians attempting to describe what it feels like to be “in love,” they invariably confuse the symptoms of infatuation — butterflies in the stomach, thinking about the person all the time, a willingness to submit to the person and do anything possible to make that person happy — for love (by the same criteria, you could just as easily say that the average stalker is “in love”). Infatuation or what some call “romantic attraction” is a part of sexual attraction, not seperate from it. Some people don’t get this because they think “sexual” must mean that only the genitals can be involved, which isn’t true; sexual attraction can manifest itself in many ways besides, or in addition to, a tingling sensation in one’s genitals. The reality is that there is nothing “romantic” or glamorous about true love. It’s something that grows out of dirty diapers and attending the funerals of in-laws; it’s not some transcendental euphoric experience that arrives suddenly like a thunderbolt or one of cupid’s arrows, though it’s not surprising that a generation raised on MTV that views unhappiness as a Prozak deficiency would have that expectation. The true measure of love isn’t how a person “feels,” it’s the longevity of the relationship, the sacrifices each partner is willing to make for the sake of the relationship. Heterosexual love — true love — is based on a profound sense of trust and interdependence that takes years, even decades, to build. True love requires a polarization, the polarization between a man and a woman; it cannot be based on the narcissism of homosexuality. When lesbians pontificate on “love,” they don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re confusing a hormonal experience for a spiritual one. By turning their backs on heterosexuality, lesbians have removed the possibility of ever knowing true love.

As for male homosexuality being about “falling in love,” give me a break. If I was fresh off the farm or some suburban schmuck who had never met a homo in his life, I might buy that, but as it happens, I’ve known dozens of fags throughout my life and have had dozens of encounters in which “gay” or bisexual men have tried, often very aggressively, to get down my pants. Any fag who tells you that male homosexuality is about “love” rather than lust is pissing in your face and telling you that it’s raining.

Cynicism is in order when it comes to evaluating the claims of the homosexual lobby. These people have an agenda, and that agenda is going to have some deeply destructive effects upon society if it is allowed to go through. Don’t let sappy sentimentalism cloud your better judgement on these matters.

It is not in the best interests of your children to have “gay” Boy Scout leaders, or to allow homosexuals to confuse your kids about their sexuality through the public school system under the pretense of “fighting homophobia.” It is not in the interest of national security to have unabashed homosexuals in the military. It is not in the interests of society to degrade the institution of marriage, which plays such a crucial role in the proper rearing of children, by extending the so-called “right” of marriage to homosexuals. Marriage is a responsibility, not a “right,” and to entrust that responsibility to sexual deviants who cannot reproduce by natural means is to make a mockery of it, to cheapen it, to obscure its real purpose, which is to create stable, healthy families.

The homosexual agenda is a political agenda which has nothing to do with “love” or “romance” and it should be treated as coldly and dispassionately as you would the agenda of any other special interest group. The public must start looking at the big picture — at the long-term consequences the changes being demanded by the homosexual lobby will have on the whole of society — and not just at whether the homosexual who lives down the street appears to be a “nice person” or not.

Man sexually assaulted in New York City subway station

3 NYPD officers charged in subway sodomy case

By TOM HAYS, Associated Press Writer – Tue Dec 9, 11:50 pm ET

NEW YORK – A police officer warned a tattoo parlor worker that if he reported being sodomized with a baton during an arrest at a subway station, officers would lock him up for a felony, prosecutors said Tuesday.

The threat was among details to emerge as the Brooklyn district attorney announced an indictment charging Officer Richard Kern and two other patrolmen with felonies.

Kern, 25, was charged with aggravated sexual abuse and assault after the Oct. 15 confrontation. Fellow Officers Alex Cruz and Andrew Morales were charged with hindering prosecution and official misconduct for allegedly covering up the crime.

All three pleaded not guilty Tuesday in state Supreme Court in Brooklyn. As Cruz and Morales were released without bail and left the courtroom, accuser Michael Mineo glared at them and clapped sarcastically. Kern left minutes later after posting $15,000 bail.

“I relive this every day. I’m still in pain,” Mineo, a 24-year-old body piercer, said outside the courtroom. “No one should go through this.”

The Associated Press does not usually name people alleging sexual abuse, but Mineo has come forward publicly to detail his ordeal, speaking to the news media and allowing himself to be photographed and captured on video.

Kern’s attorney, John Patten, told reporters that civilian witnesses standing only a few feet away from the officers and Mineo never saw a sex assault. He predicted his client would prevail at trial.

“I represent a very decent young man,” he said.

Lawyers for Cruz and Morales denied their clients were part of a cover-up.

“They don’t even have a paper-thin case. They have no case,” said Cruz’s attorney, Stuart London.

At a news conference earlier Tuesday, prosecutors for the first time confirmed reports of perhaps the strongest piece of evidence against Kern: DNA recovered from the baton matched that of the victim, they said. They also said two officers had given grand jury testimony that supported Mineo’s allegations.

But District Attorney Charles Hynes was at a loss to explain why a skinny police officer who could pass for a teenager would commit a sex crime while on duty in the middle of the day in a busy subway station.

“I can’t deal with a motive,” Hynes said. “I just don’t know.”

In the most detailed narrative to date of the incident, prosecutors said Kern and Morales spotted Mineo outside the subway station smoking marijuana. When they sought to stop him, he fled into the station, jumped a turnstile, ran toward the platform and hurdled another turnstile before he was pinned down, handcuffed near a token booth and searched for drugs, they said.

With Mineo in a “helpless position” with his pants down, Kern took out a retractable baton and shoved it into the victim’s buttocks, said Assistant District Attorney Charles Guria. The baton pierced Mineo’s underwear, tore his rectum and drew blood, the prosecutor said.

To cover his tracks and with the other officers’ knowledge, Kern wrote Mineo “a bogus summons” that was purposely backdated so it would be invalid, then warned him to keep quiet or face a felony, prosecutors said.

Police initially questioned Mineo’s account and allowed the officers to stay on duty. But the case gained momentum in late October after Mineo’s lawyers went public with his allegations and the district attorney launched a grand jury investigation.

If convicted, Kern could face up to 25 years in prison; the others could face up to four years.

Associated Press writer Colleen Long contributed to this report.

Lesbians hate you — don’t you get it?

by Igor Alexander

Jane doesn't care to know Dick

As a red-blooded heterosexual male, there’s nothing that I find objectionable about watching two attractive women making love. It’s not the lesbian sex act per se that bothers me, it’s everything that surrounds it.

If I thought that lesbians were just hedonistic women who were sexually attracted to other women and were primarily seeking pleasure and thrills, I would be more willing to overlook them. Hey, I can relate — girls are hot! But that’s just a male fantasy. Such lesbians don’t exist outside of pulp novel covers*, porn, and other products of men’s lascivious imaginations.

The vast majority of real lesbians, even the ones of the “lipstick” variety that guys drool over, are women who have serious issues with men. Lesbians aren’t so much indifferent to men as they are hostile. It’s almost impossible to tell where feminism ends and lesbianism begins. The lesbian counterculture is inextricably tied to feminism.

Stop thinking of lesbianism as if it were just a sex thing. It’s not. It’s also a counterculture, an identity, and a political movement. Women who sleep with women for purely sexual reasons don’t usually go around calling themselves lesbians.

I’ve heard people claim that lesbians don’t dislike men, that they just aren’t interested in them, but I have not found that to be true in most instances. Lesbians are obsessed with men. They pretend to be men. They date women that look like men. They employ sex toys that are precisely modeled after male genitalia. They’re into “gender” role-playing, and assume “male” and “female” roles in their relationships. They go to feminist rallies, attend workshops for “womyn,” work in rape counseling centers. Many of them can’t stop yapping about the bad experiences they claim to have had with men, even years after they say they have stopped dating men. They appear genuinely upset when a man doesn’t give their lifestyle the nod of approval; if lesbians are indifferent to men, why would they care?

Young lesbian couples parade down busy streets in the daytime, hand-in-hand, staging public displays of affection which are meant more for attracting men’s attention (and rubbing it in their faces) than as sincere expressions of fondness or desire for each other.

Numerous studies have indicated that only a small minority of the women calling themselves lesbians have never slept with a man, and a surprising number of women calling themselves lesbians have sex with men (frequently “gay” or bisexual men) on a regular basis. An Australian study found that lesbians in the survey had slept with more men on average than the heterosexual women had! These findings are consistent with what I’ve observed firsthand.**

For lesbians not caring about men, an awful lot of their attention seems to be either directly or indirectly focused on them.

A stronger case could be made that faggots are indifferent to women than that dykes are indifferent to men. Fags, for the most part, seem to be genuinely guided by the pleasure principle and not much else. Fags who would truly qualify as misogynistic are rare, whereas man-hating dykes are ubiquitous. There may be a tiny bit of latent misogyny in male homosexuality, but it doesn’t even approach the scope and severity of lesbian misandry.

It wouldn’t make much difference to fags if all the sexually-available women on the planet vanished tomorrow; they would quickly get over it. But if all the men on the planet were to vanish tomorrow, much of the impetus for becoming a lesbian would be gone. Much like feminism: if all the men vanished tomorrow, feminists would have no one left to hate and to blame all their problems on, and their movement would shrivel up and die, having lost its raison d’etre. Lesbianism really should be thought of more as a wholly-owned subsidiary of feminism, than as a seperate thing onto itself.

When a guy jerks off, he’s just jerking off; he’s doing it because it feels good. To a lesbian, “flicking the bean” is a political act, a part of the struggle to liberate herself from the invisible (because they’re imaginary) chains of male oppression, an act of insurgency against the patriarchy. A woman who calls herself a lesbian and lets herself be penetrated by another woman donning a strap-on rubber penis isn’t merely displaying same-sex attraction, she is also revealing something about how she feels about men. That something goes along the lines of: “I enjoy heterosexual intercourse enough to try to mimic it, but I don’t like men.”

Guys, lesbians hate you. Their whole scene is based on spite and envy towards men. The only reason you don’t get it is because your only exposure to lesbianism has been through the pages of Penthouse magazine or by watching cute Hollywood actresses rubbing their boobies together on cable television. The reality on the ground is quite a different matter. By all means, check out some lesbian clubs and hangouts in your city, read some lesbian blogs and magazines, watch some pornography that was made by lesbians, for lesbians; but remember to bring along a barf bag.

(Also see What’s With All The Lesbians?)

* Ironically, lesbian-themed pulp novels from the 50’s and 60’s, whose target audience was nominally men, are now celebrated in women’s studies programs. Many lesbians from that generation remember these novels as having been an important part of their initiation into the lesbian way of life. From a Wikipedia article on these books:

“Writer Donna Allegra explained why she purchased them in saying, ‘No matter how embarrassed and ashamed I felt when I went to the cash register to buy these books, it was absolutely necessary for me to have them. I needed them the way I needed food and shelter for survival.'”

Sounds rather like the embarassment a teenage boy might feel buying his first copy of Playboy, doesn’t it? Nerve-wracking and yet strangely exhilarating at the same time, like breaking the law or starting a fistfight. I wonder how many people get sucked into the homosexual lifestyle because of the initial nervous thrill they get from trying something new, different, and taboo? Of course, once the excitement wears off, fags have to start inhaling “poppers” (alkyl nitrites) just to get it up, while female homosexuals suffer a condition known as “lesbian bed death,” similar to the loss of sexual desire long-standing married couples sometimes experience. Would it be overly optimistic to hope that as homosexuality continues to lose its stigma due to the public relations efforts of the homosexual lobby, fewer people will be attracted to it? To some there’s no fruit more inviting than the one that is forbidden, and in some sectors of society, homosexuality is becoming downright banal.

Also from Wikipedia:

“Stephanie Foote, from the University of Illinois commented on the importance of lesbian pulp novels to the lesbian identity prior to feminism: ‘Pulps have been understood as signs of a secret history of readers, and they have been valued because they have been read. The more they are read, the more they are valued, and the more they are read, the closer the relationship between the very act of circulation and reading and the construction of a lesbian community becomes…Characters use the reading of novels as a way to understand that they are not alone.'”

Hearing this, one has to wonder if men, by purchasing these novels and thus keeping them in demand and on store shelves, weren’t inadvertently fueling a movement and counterculture that would soon become profoundly antagonistic towards them. How many a woman from that generation who became a lesbian would never even have thought of eschewing a heterosexual lifestyle if she hadn’t momentarily caught a glimpse of one of those covers on a drugstore shelf out of the corner of her eye? Could the widely disseminated pornography of today be having a similar effect on some of our young women?

Would it be accurate to assume that the publishers of these pulp novels, like the pornographers of today, were disproportionately Jewish? Could the seeds of the modern lesbian movement have been planted by Jewish publishers in the 50’s and 60’s?

** It’s interesting to note that the Greek poet Sappho, who was born around 600 B.C. on the island of Lesbos — from which we get the term “lesbian” — was married and had a child, and that most of the young women in her circle of companions left her group to marry men.

What’s With All The Lesbians?

by Weevil Shrimpsteen

Yes, we're lesbians. No, you can't watch.

Used to be you could walk a country mile and not see a lesbian. These days, you can’t sneeze without spraying a dyke.

Used to be you were able to see the mountains from downtown Portland, but now all the lesbians are blocking the view.

Was I asleep the day the whole world became a dyke bar?

I swear, you can’t turn around without bumping into a lesbian these days.

Shopping malls. Airport waiting lounges. Ski lodges. There you’ll see the lesbians, walking hand-in-hand.

There are far, far too many of them.

Portland’s soggy, mossy ground fairly trembles under the feet of so many stampeding bulldykes.

Weekend spree lezzies and the lifetime clam-gobblers.

Shopping for incense and battering each other.

Eatin’ buckets and buckets o’ pussy.

Dykin’ out.

Munchin’ carpet.

Hatin’ men.

Wearing each others’ underwear.

Checking each others’ breasts for lumps.

Drinking chamomile tea and buying organic reusable tampons.

They read books about lesbian nutrition and smear their lesbian toothbrushes with tubes of lesbian toothpaste.

They take lesbian vacations and use lesbian cell phones.

They cry lesbian tears and pass lesbian bowel movements.

They wear lesbian ponchos and decorate their lesbian apartments with lesbian dream-catchers and ancient lesbian pottery from ancient lesbian tribes.

They drive lesbian cars and shop at lesbian supermarkets.

They swallow lesbian laxatives made from lesbian grains grown on lesbian farming collectives.

They watch lesbian TV channels with lesbian sitcoms and lesbian nature specials.

They use lesbian fishing rods to haul in lesbian trout hooked to lesbian worms.

They enjoy lesbian sporting events such as lesbian rugby and lesbian cage matches.

They clasp lesbian hands together and admire lesbian skylines dotted with lesbian clouds.

They sip lesbian drinking water from lesbian cups.

Their lesbian ovens yield lesbian pot pies stuffed with lesbian chicken chunks.

The lesbian nightly news shows lesbian helicopters rescuing lesbian war victims.

Ooohh…that’s a whole lotta lesbians.


They’re everywhere.

They sprouted everywhere like a sudden case of the hives.

Portland is the Lesbian San Francisco, no doubt. At this juncture, I’d reckon that dykes outnumber fags in P-Town by ten to one.

It’s like the Hundredth Monkey. We’ve reached critical mass. We’ve reached the Hundredth Lesbian.

Can we, as a country, all agree to tone down the lesbianism just a little bit? We’ve reached our lesbian quota, I’m sure. I think we already have enough lesbians, and any more would be overkill.


At a lesbian coffeehouse near 28th and E. Burnside, a lesbian magazine talks about high colonics and nutritional empowerment and bedwetting support groups and candle-making seminars and dry lesbian oatmeal scones. You know — lesbian stuff.

Nearby, a group (officially, it’s called a “bevy”) of four lesbians huddles together near a bus stop in the cold, rainy, patriarchal mist. Three chunker dogs and one cornstalk girl. They bear all the visual trappings of latter-day alterna-lesbos: short, sloppy “bed-head” haircuts dyed platinum blonde or flaming pink, facial piercings, dirty sneakers, and tribally tattooed bellies and ass cracks exposed.

When I heard the phrase “lesbian identity” float from one of their mouths into the air, I decided to seize it.

I boldly approach the bevy of lesbians.

“What’s with all the lesbians? I mean, you guys are everywhere! What’s going on with that?”

The lesbian seems shocked by my apparent bigotry. “I don’t like putting labels on myself,” says the lesbian closest to me with a look of animal wariness.

“But you just used the phrase ‘lesbian identity’!” I say. “Isn’t that a label?”

The lesbians seem flabbergasted by my rudeness.

“What you’re doing is very uncool,” says the four’s spokesperson.

A bus pulls up and the lesbians embark upon it. They say nothing to me as they leave. I asked an actual group of lesbians what was with all the lesbians, and they wouldn’t tell me. They didn’t want me to know. Or perhaps they don’t know, either.


Twenty years ago in a suburban Philly garage, an all-girl punk-rock band pounds out snotty covers of Ramones and Blondie songs. Emily and Vicki are pretty bottle-blondes who play guitar and bass, respectively. Their drummer, Becky, is a lesbian. Becky wears a spiky brown mullet and is always trying to get in Emily and Vicki’s pants. But these girls are natural-born heterosexuals and are repulsed by Becky’s advances. We all have a cruel, jolly laugh at Becky’s expense regarding her compulsive sexual perversion. Men did not find Becky attractive, so she became what’s known as a lesbian-by-necessity. Rumor spreads that Becky is that rarest of creatures — a girl who is sexually attracted to other girls.

Twenty years later, all the girls are like Becky. Rare is the girl who hasn’t licked another girl’s snapper.

Twenty years ago, male homosexuals were all over pop culture, while lesbians were the Silent Homos.

Flamboyant butt-jockeys such as the Village People, Boy George, and Disco Tex were shaking their hairy tushies all over the place, but rare was the mainstream lesbo.

But amid AIDS wreckage and a general cultural devaluation of maleness, the gay male has been buried like an anal gopher. You don’t even see male fags anymore. Well, maybe once in a blue moon. A blue, faggy moon.

Except for the not-having-vaginas-and-breasts part, male fags were able to capture everything that made being a woman interesting. They possessed all the skittish drama which is one of the few redeeming qualities of being a female.

That has all been replaced by the dry moralism of cardboard dykes, who hate everything that’s male but are as boring as the most boring males.

Back in those fag-friendly days, lesbianism seemed ugly — womanhood stripped of everything that made womanhood attractive or alluring.

Chick-on-chick pussy-eating was the sole reserve of women who looked like men who couldn’t get women. It was a lesbianism of the lonely hearts’ club and the nuns’ convent. A lesbianism of ugly, boyish women whose vaginas were not deemed desirable enough in which to spill seed.

SO WHAT CHANGED? It was quite simple, really.

It followed roughly this pattern:

1) Women said they wanted sensitive men.
2) Men became sensitive.
3) Women turned lesbian.

When the men turned into women, the women turned to other women. That’s the history of Lesbianism’s New Wave in a tiny lesbian nutshell.

But it isn’t entirely the ladies’ fault. Not entirely. The fact that the American male is terrifyingly inept in the ol’ sack played a part as well. American men have no finesse. No game. They’re dumb, drooling, easily excitable hairy apemen who’d turn me into a dyke if I were a chick.

Dykes are made, not born. A woman’s physiology is constructed to enjoy a thorough ramming by a hard, warm, REAL tool rather than a cold rubber instrument or a girl’s wet tongue.

When men become men again, lesbianism will evaporate like so many wet spots in the morning sun.

I think that Dyke Chic will peter out, and a lot of women are going to be embarrassed. They’ll have a lot of explaining to do to their grandchildren.

I’ve made it a policy not to be with any more chicks who’ve had lesbian experiences.

C’mon, fellas, let’s wield the powerful force of SHAME. Let’s make them feel ashamed about being lezzies. Let them feel as if there’s something lacking in their reproductive desirability. Let them feel as if their DNA is misfiring. Treat them like freaks of nature. Evolutionary mistakes. Act like the daddy you were born to be and scold your little girl. The day will come when they wish they’d kept their panties on and their tongues in their mouths.


How do we punish the lesbians in a way that seems equitable? And how do we prevent future such lesbianism from occurring? How do we get rid of the lesbians once and for all? How do we dispose of the lesbians in a safe, legal manner? How do we stop it? How do we stop it NOW?

Take pity on the eternal, boring, self-righteous, easily bruised, stridently annoying, lesbian crusader, snuggling in the fetal position with her sisters, far from the evil, brutal clutches of menfolk, free from the heartache that MEN bring, with their hairy backs and repellent hanging genitals.

I don’t mind the pussy aspect of it. Pussy’s great. Yay, pussy! It’s not the vagina, it’s everything surrounding it. The holiness that surrounds their holes.

There’s an insincerity about all the new fashion lesbians. They act as if they’re blazing new trails, yet they’re merely little girls at a pajama party playing “Doctor” twenty years too late.

Lesbianism is merely another way for women to act like cunts.

Another way to be annoying.

They’ve found a way to be even more annoying than heterosexual women.

I don’t want to hear how your father abused you. I don’t want to hear what you did with other girls. I want to hear what you can do for me right here, right now, on your knees with your mouth open.

[Originally published in Jim Goad‘s Gigantic Book of Sex, available from better bookstores near you.]