Monthly Archives: January, 2010

Happy International Holocaust Remembrance Day!

Kids celebrating Holocaust Remembrance Day

Revelers at a Holocaust Remembrance celebration.

(Cue music. And-1-2-3… Go! —)

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
To Greater Israel, I am true.
I’ll bulldoze your home for free.
All Zews, always, stand with me,
except for a self-hating few.

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
Criticize me and I’ll calumnize you!
From G-d I have a deed divine
That tells me what is mine
Is mine, and yours is mine too.

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
Please pay me a billion or two.
Support the Holy Master Race.
Keep the non-Zews in their place.
Twist the knife and turn the screw.

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
Everything I say is true.
Those Pallie kids are really bent.
We’ll kill them ALL, by accident.
It’s called “defense” — What else is new?

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
About me, you haven’t a clue.
If you get in my way, you don’t exist,
so don’t even dare to try to resist!
Whatever we do, the blame’s on YOU!

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
G-d loves me and G-d hates you.
My genes give me a sacred right
to make you suffer day and night.
You are not really human, in God’s view.

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
My secret police are watching you.
We love the commie Zewish State,
and need to kill all those who Hate.
To speak the truth should be taboo!

Boo hoo hoo. I’m a poor Zew.
I’m also a gangster, through and through.
Two world wars we’ve helped to start.
But that’s because we are so smart.
As we nailed Christ, so we’ll nail you.

Boo hoo hoo, I’m a poor Zew,
According to our holy book, it’s true:
You deserve to be destroyed and die.
You’re not included in God’s Plan, that’s why.
We’re God’s Chosen Race: Your time is through.

Boo hoo hoo, I’m a poor Zew.
Pat Robertson will tell you what to do.
I have ten million Zionutzi slaves:
Their Jesus is a war-god: Herzl saves.
These stupid Xians recite on cue!

(Poem found on usenet in 2003. Author unknown.)

The origin of the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality

Loxist bulldyke Gertrude Stein

In the first half of the 20th century, the word “gay” was synonymous with “happy” or “joyous.” Now it refers to homosexuality. How did such a formerly innocent, innocuous term come to be associated with something as unsavory and unsanitary as queer buttsex?

From the Wikipedia article on the word “Gay”:

“A passage from Gertrude Stein’s Miss Furr & Miss Skeene (1922) is possibly the first traceable published use of the word to refer to a homosexual relationship. According to Linda Wagner-Martin (Favored Strangers: Gertrude Stein and her Family (1995)) the portrait, ‘featured the sly repetition of the word gay, used with sexual intent for one of the first times in linguistic history…'”

From the Wikipedia article on Gertrude Stein:

“Gertrude Stein, the youngest of a family of five children, was born in 1874 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania (merged with Pittsburgh in 1907), to well-educated German-Jewish immigrant parents.” [Emphasis added. -IA]

As can be readily seen, use of the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality is yet another instance of the jewing of the English language.

On government funding for the arts

A common objection is that cutting government funding for the arts will leave artists without funding. This is nonsense. Whether given through public or private means, the money doesn’t cease to exist.

The issue is whether your money should be redistributed by largely unelected, unaccountable government bureaucrats. I say shitcan the bureaucrats, cut taxes, and let the people decide where they want to spend their money.

Bubbles Galore box cover