Category Archives: media studies

Brokebutt Mounting

So I finally got around to watching Brokebutt Mounting, er, no… Pokebutt Mountain… wait, that’s still not right… was it Bareback Mountain? Um, no. Let me think… Brokeback Mountain, maybe? Yeah, that’s it, it was Brokeback Mountain. I watched Brokeback Mountain, the cinematic sensation of 2006, a touching, tragic drama about faggot cowboys in love and the horrors of heterosexual marriage.

Jack and Ennis

I was expecting a strong dose of homosexual propaganda, and in that respect, Pokebutt didn’t disappoint. What I wasn’t prepared for, however, was how monumentally boring this movie was. It was about two hours long but felt like four. At 45 minutes, I was already drumming my fingers, wondering when it was going to end so I could go do something more exciting, like trim my toenails or roll those pennies I’ve been accumulating in a jar for the last decade. Even the soporific The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford wasn’t as mindnumbingly dull as this.

Ignoring the propaganda aspect and judging the movie solely on artistic merit, Brokebutt Mounting did not deserve the hype that surrounded it. Sure, the photography was nice, but the acting was stagy and there wasn’t enough of a story to fill two hours. And as beautiful as the natural scenery was, it didn’t make up for the distasteful subject matter. If this movie hadn’t been serving a role in Hollywood’s long-running campaign to normalize and promote homosexuality, it would’ve toured the arthouse circuit, picked up a few awards from queer film festivals, developed a minor cult following within the lavender set, and then it would’ve vanished into obscurity, never attaining the status of household word that it did.

It was notable how little homoeroticism there was on the screen; we get to see the tits of two of the actresses, but all of that sizzling man-on-man action must have ended up on the cutting room floor. That’s because the whole thing would’ve fallen apart and turned into a ludicrous farce that no one could take seriously if they had shown what it was that those “gay” cowboys were actually doing up in those mountains. The audience would’ve been left scratching its head, wondering what was so great about having one’s rectum torn that a man would ruin his entire life for it. It would have come off as sleazy, pathetic, and pathological (which, of course, it is).

A salient feature of the “gay rights” movement is that it never discusses what it is that fags actually do in the bedroom; in other words, it never mentions the defining feature of homosexuality. This is conspicuously omitted from its PR materials because it knows that normal people would be disgusted by these activities and wouldn’t be able to take its political demands seriously. The “civil rights” movement might’ve had some semblance of legitimacy since blacks are, after all, born that way and can’t help the color of their skin; but no one in his right mind is going to assent to granting special rights and privileges to a bunch of hedonistic fudgepackers, grown men with shitty tongues who desire to spend their lives ejaculating down each other’s gullets. I mean, what next — zoophiles demanding the “right” to marry sheep?

One of the cornhole cowboys was named Ennis. Ennis rhymes with penis, and the way his Texan bumbuddy pronounced it, it sounded like he was calling him “anus.” Ennis, penis, anus — was this some sort of inside joke or subliminal message, or just a happy, but random, coincidence?

In the end, Pennis’s bitch Jack, who was a little less bashful about his perversion, gets his head bashed in with a tire iron by a posse of vicious, knuckle-dragging rednecks (are there any other kind?). Despite the fact that Jack was obviously murdered, there is no criminal investigation, the death being filed as accidental, because, you see, for decades The Patriarchy has been covertly perpetrating what amounts to a slow Holocaust against queers by turning a blind eye to fag-bashing. All breeders are in on this conspiracy, including the Sheriff’s office. You could fill a football field with the piled corpses of the victims of homophobia. Jack’s demise was tragic, truly tragic — I lost count of how many tissues I used to sop up my tears — though to let reality intrude for a moment, one might consider that statistically, the odds would’ve been far greater of Jack dying from AIDS than at the hands of heartless hillbillies.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

I was listening to the Alex Jones Show yesterday (Friday, March 4) on shortwave and someone called in and started talking about “international jewish bankers” being behind the New World Order. Jones gave the caller a lot of time to speak without interrupting him or cutting him off.

At first, the caller sounded sensible. He mentioned that the American mass media is dominated by jews, which is true. He brought up Paul Warburg‘s name in connection with the Federal Reserve. And considering Jones had had some not-so-nice things to say about George Soros, another jew, only minutes before this call, it would have been disingenuous of him to claim jews aren’t overrepresented in the ranks of international financiers. So far, so good.

Then the caller urged listeners to read the long-discredited Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Jones asked the caller if he believed that all jews are involved in the conspiracy, to which the caller replied in the affirmative. Jones then asked if all jews should be exterminated, and the caller said yes. I slapped my hand to my forehead and started shaking my head. Predictably, Jones cut the caller off at that point and went on a tirade against nazis.

Why do so many anti-Semites* insist on shooting themselves in the foot like this guy did?

While Jones has a long and shameful history of covering for the jews, you can’t accuse him of any wrongdoing in this case; he gave the guy plenty of time to make his case without censoring him. You can’t ask for more than a fair hearing. If the caller came off looking foolish, he did it to himself.

I’m starting to believe that a large number of anti-Semites really are mentally ill. Either that, or they’re stupid. It’s like their brains are incapable of distinguishing between the jew who mops the floors at the local Burger King and the George Soroses and Sumner Redstones of the world, who truly are malignant pests.

There are several valid criticisms that can be leveled against jews as a group. For instance, an elite group of jews really does have a disproportionately large amount of control over the mass media in countries like the U.S. and Canada, and it uses this control towards ends that are usually not in the best interest of the majority population.

The Israel lobby is real and very powerful.

The holocaust is a Big Lie that was invented by jews, communists, and the leaders of the Allied nations to justify or help conceal their own atrocities, and the myth was rekindled in the latter half of the 1960s by zionist jews to drum up support for and deflect criticism of Israel. In the last 12 years, the myth of the holocaust has been invoked to justify everything from the NATO bombing of civilian passenger trains in Yugoslavia, to the hanging of Saddam Hussein as a “war criminal,” to the U.S.’s belligerent attitude toward Iran.

But reasoned criticisms such as these tend to be overlooked when you have paranoid nutcases shouting from rooftops that they think every jew on the planet is involved in a monolithic conspiracy that’s behind all the evils in the world and that every last one needs to be exterminated, pronto.

If I didn’t know such people personally, I would think they were plants from the Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and the $PLC to make anti-Semites look retarded or unhinged.

The debate on the Jewish Question is polarized between apologists for the jews like Alex Jones and Jar-Jar Taylor, who would sooner blame their own mothers for the ills they diagnose than utter the word “jew,” and conspiracy wackos who have gone off the deep end and become obsessed with jews to the exclusion of everything else.


* I’m not entirely comfortable with the term anti-Semite to describe someone who’s critical of or antipathetic towards jews, for two reasons:

  1. In a time in which blond, ashkenazi jews who don’t have a drop of Semitic blood in them are gunning down rock-throwing Palestinian children, some of whom are full-blooded Semites, referring to anti-jewish sentiment as “anti-Semitism” doesn’t make a lot of sense, and

  2. “Anti-Semitism” has a biological ring to it, which implies that the solution to the problem is extermination, and not everyone who opposes the agendas of organized jewry feels that way.

“Anti-jewish” would be an improvement, but is still not quite satisfactory. The best term, I think, would be anti-loxist, but since loxism has yet to catch on, no one would know what I was talking about were I to use it.

The origin of the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality

Loxist bulldyke Gertrude Stein

In the first half of the 20th century, the word “gay” was synonymous with “happy” or “joyous.” Now it refers to homosexuality. How did such a formerly innocent, innocuous term come to be associated with something as unsavory and unsanitary as queer buttsex?

From the Wikipedia article on the word “Gay”:

“A passage from Gertrude Stein’s Miss Furr & Miss Skeene (1922) is possibly the first traceable published use of the word to refer to a homosexual relationship. According to Linda Wagner-Martin (Favored Strangers: Gertrude Stein and her Family (1995)) the portrait, ‘featured the sly repetition of the word gay, used with sexual intent for one of the first times in linguistic history…'”

From the Wikipedia article on Gertrude Stein:

“Gertrude Stein, the youngest of a family of five children, was born in 1874 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania (merged with Pittsburgh in 1907), to well-educated German-Jewish immigrant parents.” [Emphasis added. -IA]

As can be readily seen, use of the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality is yet another instance of the jewing of the English language.

How to reduce the population

  1. Make birth control, especially “the pill,” widely available.
  2. Legalize abortion-on-demand.
  3. Frighten teenagers away from having children after high school through mandatory “sex education” classes.
  4. Promote feminism so that women put careers or hedonistic pursuits over having children, or develop such negative attitudes or unrealistic expectations towards men that they are incapable of making the compromises necessary to be in a long-term relationship with a man.
  5. In the mass media, continually depict sex as a recreational, rather than procreational, activity.
  6. Promote homosexuality and other sexually aberrant behaviors that won’t result in pregnancy (such as anal sex between heterosexuals).
  7. Degrade the institution of marriage by allowing easy divorces and same-sex marriage, and by making divorce proceedings so grossly unfair towards men that few will want to marry.
  8. Legalize hardcore pornography; flood society with porn so that men end up preferring masturbation over actually finding a mate to have children with. Make sure that the majority of hardcore porn emphasizes anal sex over normal heterosexual intercourse which could lead to pregnancy.
  9. Feed male babies soy formula and other oestrogenic substances so that their reproductive systems don’t develop normally, making them unable to reproduce.
  10. To reduce fertility, encourage a nutritionally-poor diet in which white flour, refined sugar, and processed vegetable oils account for most of the calories.
  11. To reduce fertility, encourage a vegetarian diet, especially one in which unfermented soy products are the principal source of protein.
  12. To reduce fertility, encourage people, especially teens and young adults, to take illicit drugs, as well as smoke and regularly abuse alcohol.

Rube Goldberg’s political cartoons

Jewish cartoonist Rube Goldberg is mainly remembered for his depictions of absurdly complicated machines for accomplishing simple tasks. In fact, his name (in America, at least) has become synonymous with such machines (although as is so often the case, jews are given credit for things that were invented earlier by gentiles — in this case, British cartoonist and illustrator W. Heath Robinson had published similar drawings several years before Goldberg).

While reading an online biography of Goldberg, I came across the interesting claim that Goldberg had asked his sons to change their last names to something less jewish after he had received hate mail for the political cartoons he created during the Second World War. What I found intriguing is that in no article that I looked at online was any information given about the nature of these cartoons that elicited such strong reactions. Is that information being held back because it might be either damaging to the jewish community in general or personally embarrassing to Goldberg’s family or estate? Perhaps Goldberg was a vicious, loxist war propagandist? Perhaps he drew cartoons praising communist mass-murderer Stalin, while calling for the forced sterilization of Germans, like his fellow jew Theodore N. Kaufman did in the booklet Germany Must Perish?

A Clusty search for Rube Goldberg’s political cartoons didn’t yield much, but I did find the following:


What’s interesting is that the German-American illustrator/cartoonist Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, has in recent years been roundly condemned as a racist for producing wartime anti-Japanese cartoons that were in no way worse than the one by Goldberg above. Perhaps if more were known about Goldberg as a political cartoonist and war propagandist, he might be regarded as a racist too?

Encyclopedia Britannica owned by Jewish billionaire

The other day I was telling a relative that my 1961 edition of the Encylcopedia Britannica contained only two short paragraphs on the holocaust out of its 24 volumes of fine print, and that the holocaust wasn’t even referred to as “the holocaust.” I pointed out that the series of events now known as “the holocaust” (or sometimes as the “shoah”) didn’t have its own entry, being only briefly mentioned in the articles on Adolf Hitler and the Jews. She found this incredible.

The point I was trying to make is that back then “the holocaust” was, to use the words of French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen, merely a “footnote of history,”* whereas today it has become the central event of WWII, and indeed, of the entire 20th century. Few people know that Stalin and his Jewish commissar Lazar Kaganovich deliberately starved 10 million Ukrainian peasants to death while Western Europe and the United States turned a blind eye, but every schoolchild today “knows” that Adolf Hitler and the Germans killed 6 million perfectly innocent Jews in gas chambers. How did this popularization of the holocaust come about? Simple. Starting in the 1970s, Jews, using their disproportionate power and influence in the mass media and academia, began a relentless propaganda campaign. That’s how.

My relative wanted to know who the publishers of the Encyclopedia Britannica were in 1961. I guess what she was driving at was that maybe the encyclopedia was owned by Nazi sympathizers. Well, after doing some research on the net, we didn’t find any evidence that its owners were secret Nazis, but we did discover that since 1996, the Encyclopedia Britannica has been owned by Jewish billionaire Jacqui (Jacob) Eli Safra! Safra is a movie producer and the heir of a Jewish banking family. Additionally, starting in May 2001, Britannica’s CEO was an Israeli Jew named Ilan Yeshua, who had previously worked for the Tel Aviv-based educational technology firm Centre for Educational Technology, which was aquired by Safra’s Yet more evidence of how pervasive is the Jewish domination of our mass media.

If anyone out there has access to both a 1995 and a 1998 (or later) version of the Encyclopedia Britannica, I would be very curious to hear what you discover when comparing the articles on, say, Israel, particularly in regards to the neutrality of its portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

* UPDATE: According to this article, it would seem that Le Pen didn’t actually say that the holocaust was a “footnote of history,” but rather, that the alleged homicidal gas chambers were a minor “detail of history.” Well, if Le Pen didn’t say it, I will: the holocaust is a mere footnote of history.