Category Archives: politics

I have a theory…

…about Alex Linder.

I think Alex realized a long time ago that this is a lost cause, but instead of shrugging his shoulders and moving on to something else like a grown-up would, he decided to keep that forum of his open as his own little playground, a place where he can troll and blow off steam and shout from the highest soap box.

On government funding for the arts

A common objection is that cutting government funding for the arts will leave artists without funding. This is nonsense. Whether given through public or private means, the money doesn’t cease to exist.

The issue is whether your money should be redistributed by largely unelected, unaccountable government bureaucrats. I say shitcan the bureaucrats, cut taxes, and let the people decide where they want to spend their money.

Bubbles Galore box cover

Judeo-communist terms for anti-White

by Alex Linder of the Vanguard News Network

Until we invented it, there was no term for the hatred jews have for non-jews, Aryans in particular. Now there is: loxism.

The most successful political coinage in the history of the world is racism, a term that is fair odds to produce the genocide of the fair race by means of intimidating it out of defending itself.

Racism appears to refer to certain views held by Whites, but upon closer inspection, it is simply a hate term for the entire White race. Since jews control the media, and since they are loxists, they can speak in ostensibly neutral language, or in codes, rather than admit what they are doing directly. The following are but some of the terms anti-White jews, loxists, use to describe themselves and their activities. Rather than frankly admit they hate whites and seek their destruction, jews refer to themselves/their activities as:

  • human rights

  • anti-fascist

  • democratic

All these have one meaning: reducing the scope, dignity and political power of the White man. Taking from him whatever can be taken, turning it over to jews and the mud majority – and spitting on the White man in thanks. Jews pervert or invent whichever terms they require to hide the fact that they and the coloreds they use to despoil white society are feeding on our race, while occasionally lifting their bloody jaws from our carcass long enough to stream out a few insults.


(Also see Feminists say “tough titty” to white males suffering from cystic fibrosis)

Conservatives are pathetic

“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” –attributed to Aristotle

More evidence of how gelded conservatives are:

Instead of bemoaning the fact that no one had the cojones to throw those obnoxious fudgepackers out on their disease-ridden keesters, she takes pride in how “tolerant” (tolerant meaning cowardly) the middle-American patrons of the bar were. Is it any wonder conservatives have been unable to stop the disintegration of white societies when they accept all the tacit ground rules laid down by their supposed adversaries, in this case the assumption that public displays of homosexuality should be tolerated?

The only thing she gets halfway right is that, yes, the mainstream media does have an agenda to normalize and promote homosexuality, though she avoids going into exactly why the media has been pursuing this agenda for the last few decades.

But hey, at least she’s cute and fills out a bikini real nice…

Conservawhore Cassy Fiano in a swimsuit

A photo of Cassy Fiano in a bikini which is prominently displayed on her blog

You have to wonder if conservatism isn’t so washed-up at this point that it’s resorting to sex appeal (bikinis, former beauty queens) to keep men on board.