Mark Steyn: The Canadian left vs the neo-con Jews

I’ve just been getting up to speed with this Mark Steyn affair:

What’s fascinating about this case is that Canadian Humans Rights Tribunals have for years been trying to deny people such as historical revisionists and white nationalists the right to express their views, and everyone has looked the other way. But now that the Canadian Human Rights Commission is trying to silence a Jew (*) who has been engaging in hate speech against Muslims, there’s a massive outcry about it! Funny how the media Jews didn’t seem to care about free speech until it suddenly occured to them that these hate speech laws could be turned around and used to silence them in their continued efforts to demonize Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians in order to drum up support for the Third World War they and their neo-conservative stooges are trying to start in the Middle East. If these media Jews are so concerned about our civil liberties, then where was all the handwringing about loss of free speech when Indian Chief David Ahenakew was being fined and humiliated by a Canadian court for making anti-Semitic remarks?

Jews were perfectly willing to support hate speech laws as long as those laws were serving Jewish interests. Now that those laws are becoming an impediment to Jewish interests (i.e., to getting the West embroiled in a protracted war against Islam), they want to get rid of them. It’s amazing how members of a group that makes up less than 2 or 3 per cent of the population always wind up setting the agenda for the rest of us.

Well, I shan’t complain. Getting rid of these tribunals and the associated hate speech laws, as well as dismantling the CHRC, would be a major step towards restoring free speech and due process in Canada, even if it’s being done for the wrong reasons.


(*) It should be perfectly obvious from his last name and the contents of his writings that Mark Steyn is a Jew. However, if this evidence doesn’t suffice, check out Steyn’s own FAQ:

“Mark is of Jewish descent, but was baptized a Catholic, confirmed an Anglican, and currently attends a small rural American Baptist Church.”

Don’t be fooled by Steyn’s BS that he’s a “Christian” of “Jewish descent.” Being Jewish is a matter of genes, not of religion. Those who claim otherwise are trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

46 responses

  1. actually you are wrong igor. If you read mark’s biography, his grandmother was jewish no one else. In fact, he has such little jewish blood in him that he could have served in the nazi army. Get your facts straight. Of course why would a liberal ever look up the facts.

  2. racist bigot freak

  3. Igor, don’t create a distraction. Steyn’s treatise (Muslims are a danger to western society) needs to be answered. You are providing talking points to the folks who support Muslim bashing in Canada. Let’s let Mark Steyn rise and fall on the basis of his writings, ok?

  4. Jew or not genetically, he is a Jew in spirit like most of our goy leaders.

    robert: What exactly is “liberal” about white nationalism? Are you really that stupid?

    For Johnny: Muslims are a only a “danger” to western society (and your idea of western society obviously includes non-western people and ideas, i.e. Jews and their materialistic spirituality) because we choose to aggressively impose our values upon them, meddle with their governments, and side against them in their conflicts.

  5. Actually, Steyn is not legally Jooooish as his mother is not Joooish. What’s amazing is not that a group that makes up 2-3% of the population sets an agenda. What is truly amazing is that a group that makes less than 1% of the population (maybe 18 million out of over 6 billion – you do the math)are constantly blamed by racist trash like “Igor Alexander” for all the world’s ills and for setting agendas world-wide. Methinks you’ve been reading too much of Protocols or watching too much Hamas TV programming little Igor. Time to crawl back in your little hole before us scary Jooooos come to set your own agenda.

  6. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Johnny: I don’t have a problem with discussing the problems that are being caused by Muslims (and other immigrant populations) within Western societies. I just don’t think we should be focusing exlusively on Arabs and Muslims while disregarding the (IMO, much more serious) problems that are being caused by another religious/ethnic/racial minority that also has its roots in the Middle East. Honestly, I would sooner kick out the latter than the former.

  7. Dave:

    You would have an argument if Jews had behavioral characteristics identical to non-Jewish whites. Do we blame the Chinese, Indians, or Mexicans for the things we blame Jews for? No, we’re not stupid or arbitrary. None of those groups are doing the things that Jews are doing. Mexicans aren’t putting together pornographic videos and shoving multiculturalism down our throats at a disproportionate level. Indians aren’t disporportionately in positions of high power in banking, finance, and trade like Jews are either.

    Since you are obviously not acquainted with the facts, let me introduce you to someone who is:

  8. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Buddy, call me “racist trash” all you want, but twenty years from now, there’s not even going to be a Republican Party: politics is going to be all about race. Enjoy your moment in the sun, because it’s going to be short-lived.

  9. Igor is absolutely correct. The Neo-Cohens immediately pop up with screams and shrieks about “racist” and “anti-semite”, but if you look at the B’nai Brith and the CJC’s websites, both of them proudly proclaim their authorship and advocacy of Canada’s Thought Crime laws. The CJC, Brith, and other Jewish groups also have a 30 year track record of using these laws against thier political opponents.

    Yes, there are decent Jews opposed to these laws, like Ezra Levant, and Mark Steyn. (if you accept that Steyn is Jewish). They are unfortunately the few, rather than the many, and it doesn’t change the central fact that these laws were put in place by Jews, and have been used almost exclusively by Jews for 30 years.

  10. Also, look no further than the Government’s response to Marc Lemire’s constitutional challenge to Section 13. The brief reads like it was written by the B’Nai Brith, and either quotes extensively from Karen Mock ( B’nai Brith) Alex Tsesis ( Jewish activist) or cites case law against Zundel, Keegstra, Taylor-Ross, Malcolm Ross, etc, all of whom were convicted of the crime of annoying Jews.

  11. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Johnny: In the context of a formal debate, I would agree with you that one should look at a person’s arguments and not at who they are. However, this is not a formal debate, and my experience has been that 9 times out of 10, those who attack Muslims and Arabs the most viciously, or who agitate the most enthusiastically for war in the Middle East (e.g. for the invasion of Iran), are either Jews, half-Jews, Christian Zionists, or are people who are in some other way beholden to Jews. If a journalist were writing editorials calling for the end of Western support for Israel, and it turned out that the journalist’s grandmother was a Palestinian, do you seriously expect me to believe that you would consider that fact irrelevant in your assessment of that journalist’s position?

  12. The bizarre thing about this whole HRC business is that they have the backing of Bernie Farber et al…to the extent, I suspect, of funding some of the slew of lawsuits against conservative bloggers… What makes this bizarre is that the #1 stated aim of Islam is to destroy the Jewish state, and indeed any Jew they can get their hands on (now, now, Ernst G., stop drooling!). So the CJC is willing and happy to support this lunatic agenda just so they have the tools to prosecute a handful of harmless nobodies, while aiding and abetting the very menace that will eventually destroy them. Nice going, idiots! Get a sense of priority!

  13. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Someone left this comment in my guestbook:

    Posted May 15, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    “Great. You took a page right out of the Nuremberg Laws!”

    My response:

    Igor Alexander
    Posted May 16, 2008 at 1:20 am

    “Laura: I’m not sure why you chose to write this in my guestbook rather than under the Mark Steyn piece where it belongs, but in reply, it might interest you to know that many Jews, in particular Zionist Jews, are just as obsessed if not more so with their genes than Adolf Hitler was. It’s my understanding that the Nazi definition of a Jew was not that far off from how the state of Israel today defines a Jew. If you really want to go further with this discussion (and I doubt you do), I’d be more than happy to provide you with half a dozen recent newspaper articles written by Jews which go on to some length about the genetic superiority of Jews. It should go without saying that Judaism itself defines being Jewish in a racial manner; Judaism is not a universalist religion like Christianity or Islam, and converts to Judaism are seldom treated on par with those who are born Jewish. I guess in your mind it’s OK to point out that Jews are a genetically distinct group when one is singing their praises, but it’s verboten when one has something less flattering (yet true) to say about them.”

  14. Igor Alexander | Reply

    ErnstG wrote: “They are unfortunately the few, rather than the many, and it doesn’t change the central fact that these laws were put in place by Jews, and have been used almost exclusively by Jews for 30 years.”

    I’m sure that if one were to study the origins of the laws criminalizing “holocaust denial” in Switzerland and France (both fairly recent laws, having only been passed in the last 20 years), one would find Jewish organizations and individuals behind those as well. Jews have been and continue to be a far greater threat to free speech than Muslims could ever hope to be. Come to think of it, it’s gotten to the point where you can say things in Tehran that you would be prosecuted and quite likely jailed for saying in France, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria!

  15. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Elizabeth: I’m pretty lenient as far as what I let people say on here, but your insults followed by a threat to shut down this blog cross the line. Your comment has been deleted, and I suggest you read the rules before posting again. One more outburst like that and you will be banned.

  16. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Peter: You’re essentially saying the same thing I am — that these hate speech laws were to a large extent pushed for and used by Jews but are now going to be turned around and used against them by Muslims (who are now, according to the latest figures I’ve come across from Stats Canada, almost as large a group in Canada as Jews are).

    Jews tend to be short-sighted and call for things that will be harmful to them in the long run, even though they may have short term benefits. An example is multiculturalism. Multiculturalism of the kind we have today was heavily pushed for by Jews and Jewish organizations (read MacDonald, linked to in an earlier comment, and check out as an example these propaganda cartoons promoting diversity that were put out by the American Jewish Committee: ). However, some of the more astute members of the Jewish community are starting to realize that promoting multiculturalism and supporting the reversal of previously all-white immigration policies may have been a major mistake, and so we have Jewish leaders like Stephen Steinlight writing papers like The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography and High Noon to Midnight: Why Current Immigration Policy Dooms American Jewry (an incisive analysis of the former may be found at Another article dealing with this is to be found on Kevin MacDonald’s blog:

    I’m not sure I agree with this comment of yours, however: “What makes this bizarre is that the #1 stated aim of Islam is to destroy the Jewish state…”

    Is this a reference to Ahmadinejad’s infamous statement about wiping “Israel off the map”? If so, you should know that Ahmadinejad never uttered those words. What he said was closer to “the regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” It’s a mistranslation that has been repeated ad nauseam by a Western (especially American and British) mass media that is pushing for the invasion of Iran as hard as it can, much as it pushed for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

  17. Simon Fleischmann | Reply


    You’ve never visited the Middle East at all, that is extraordinarily obvious. Had you done so, you would probably wonder at the “miracle” that “the Jews” have wrought in Israel, turning a patch of desert into a virtual garden AND founding the ONLY functioning democracy in the ME. All around Israel are countries populated by sand savages whose social progress remains mired in the 7th century at best.

    Hence, your anti-Semitic point is WHAT, precisely? Or are you just having an allergic reaction to the success of a community to which you do not belong.

    Sour grapes are SO ugly when they are exhibited with such wanton abandon, Igor. You really should demonstrate a tad more dignity and self-respect if you wish to have your hateful perspectives taken seriously…

  18. Simon:

    Not all of us believe democracy is a laudable value. I, for one, see democracy as the reason why democratic nations have deteriorated socially. America is a perfect case against allowing average people control over the future.

    It is not really your place or my place to judge and impose so-called universal moral principles to other people. What you call “backwards” is something I call traditional and functional for the people who practice it. That is far better than the decadent materialism we practice today (regardless of how I feel about their culture specifically).

    Aren’t Arabs a Semitic people? How can you refer to so-called hatred towards Jews as hatred of all Semitic people? Hmm?

    Or are you just having an allergic reaction to the success of a community to which you do not belong.

    I, for one, do not complain about the success of East Asian communities within America who appear to have higher average IQs than our white population does. You and others continue to misjudge the issue as an issue of jealously. The issue is not jealousy, the issue is group behavior.

    Jews, as a group, have been harmful to whites because of their selfishness, arrogance, and contemptuous attitude towards our values and way of life. Jews have adopted an evolutionary group strategy that works very well for them but at the expense of the populations they cohabitate with.

    You have such love for Jews and Israel, yet you seem to have no problem with the fact that Israel is an incredibly racist state. How do you reconcile the fact that Jewish leaders in America are essentially the key leaders and founders of anti-racist organizations and lobbying efforts but are at the same time supporting a racially exclusive state for Jews in the middle east?

  19. I’m confused, Mr. White Power… why are you slurring Isreali Jews for something you’re advocating – a “racially exclusive” state? You have such love for whites and some white nostalgic past yet you have such a great problem with the least racist state in the middle east.

    Never mind that Arab on the supreme court now.

    I say Igor, I say. All that good ole’ Ahmadinejad said was that Isreal should vanish from the pages of time? This is me stuck between pity and amusement!

  20. Wolfe:

    I’m confused, Mr. White Power… why are you slurring Isreali Jews for something you’re advocating – a “racially exclusive” state? You have such love for whites and some white nostalgic past yet you have such a great problem with the least racist state in the middle east.

    I have absolutely no problem with Israelis maintaining an ethnostate (I would, however, refuse to materially support it as I do not believe in getting involved in middle eastern geopolitics). The problem is with the hypocrisy displayed by American Jews. They wish to deny White people the right to organize a state in this manner while claiming the right to do it in Israel.

    It is an irrefutable fact that Jews have played key roles in the civil rights movement, in immigration reform (away from the highly restrictive quotas that essentially only let Europeans in), and in working to utterly destroy working class white neighborhoods and turn them into multicultural ghettos rife with non-white crime.

    Jews practice what is known as “moral particularism”. They believe only in whatever is good for themselves and then impose those values upon everyone else.

  21. Wolfe:

    On your claim that Israel is the least racist state in the middle east:

    Israel routinely turns away migrants and deports any who manage to find their way inside while pro-Israel Jewish leaders within America have no problem with amnesty for illegals, accepting refugees, and what not. You should also be aware that Israel’s standards for citizenship are very similar to those of National Socialist Germany: Race is very important to Jews!

  22. Wolfe:

    On your claim that Israel is the least racist state in the middle east:

    Israel routinely turns away migrants and deports any who manage to find their way inside while pro-Israel Jewish leaders within America have no problem with amnesty for illegals, accepting refugees, and what not. You should also be aware that Israel’s standards for citizenship are very similar to those of National Socialist Germany: Race is very important to Jews!

    If Jews feel it is important to protect their racial identity, why can’t whites?

    (This post might be a dupe – plz delete the older one if that is the case).

  23. Interesting that you seem to see no difference between American Jews and Isrealis. Actually I was saying that Isreal is not “incredibly racist” as you called what you now claim to have no problem with. In fact, I beleive that Isreal is the least racist country in the world – for they are not anti-semetic either in the sense of hating Jews, or in holding Isreal to vicious and slanderous account for the most liberal treatment of terrorism of any country in the world except those who take the terrorist side and prosecute their targets, or in the sense of placing no moral blame on those who’s stated goal is to destroy the Jews in the middle east. It seems that only Isreal (and to some extent America and my country Canada) do not treat Arabs as helpless people with no responsibility for their actions – the other anti-semitism which I rather suspect you and Igor also hold. Am I wrong?

    Further to Simon’s point, why is it, do you suppose, that Isreal has been so successful without “whites” to leech off of? Has it been all because of the help they get from their Jew co-conspirators around the world who are giving them all this wealth out of their share of what they leech off of their countries? But then why does Egypt which I believe is the largest recipient of American aid in history not come close to a little country that is surrounded by nations who don’t recognize it’s right to exist?

    Maybe its just because… I don’t know, these people have a successful culture? Like Asians… who seem to count as white to you? Since we’re speaking of race, I am curious as to yours. I’m Canadian-Canadian. English, Irish, Norwegian – Dutch some. Good old British commonwealth type. You wouldn’t happen to be one of these slavish slavs, would you? I’m rather affronted that you reject that most British of values – parliamentary democracy. Is it because of your race? I have to say that I’m having second thoughts about all these un-British people we seem to have let into the country – as if “european” was a race. Why you strike me as a mongrel mongerer with all your talk about Europeans. I say, I say – Igor, you must be a slav yourself – are you on board with this slavishness too? Really have let the country go to the dogs, it seems.

    btw, causing “non-white crime” is as weird a charge as I could have imagined – thanks for making this fun! But why does it bother you that the ethnics are killing each other? Because the Jews did it?

  24. Interesting that you seem to see no difference between American Jews and Isrealis. Actually I was saying that Isreal is not “incredibly racist” as you called what you now claim to have no problem with

    My previous post, which is not showing up (presumably due to being in a moderation queue) addresses this.

    In fact, I beleive that Isreal is the least racist country in the world – for they are not anti-semetic either in the sense of hating Jews

    Considering that Israel IS a Jewish state, it would be rather self-defeating to for Israel to be “anti-Semitic” (in the context of anti-Jewishness, even though Arabs are Semitic and discriminated against by Israel).

    Is Saudi Arabia just as “not racist” on the basis that they don’t exclude Arabs?

    or in holding Isreal to vicious and slanderous account for the most liberal treatment of terrorism of any country in the world

    Huh? Do you seriously believe this? Israel isn’t “liberal” on terrorism. Israel has a friggin wall and a practically sealed border. We Americans do not.

    It seems that only Isreal (and to some extent America and my country Canada) do not treat Arabs as helpless people with no responsibility for their actions – the other anti-semitism which I rather suspect you and Igor also hold. Am I wrong?

    If its OK for Israel to collectively punish Arabs, wouldn’t it be just as OK for others to collectively punish all Jews for the deeds they have wrought upon the world?

    Further to Simon’s point, why is it, do you suppose, that Isreal has been so successful without “whites” to leech off of

    Israel receives millions in aid (financial and material) from white nations – USA and Europe. Were you in a cave when Germany’s Merkel practically groveled before the Israeli Knesset for forgiveness and proclaiming that Germany has a special duty to help and protect Israel?

    But then why does Egypt which I believe is the largest recipient of American aid in history not come close to a little country that is surrounded by nations who don’t recognize it’s right to exist?

    What do you mean “come close”? BTW, if you know your history, you should know that the current government in Egypt is essentially a puppet of the United States, due to CIA-backed sponsorship and torture over there to install it.

    Maybe its just because… I don’t know, these people have a successful culture?

    I do not deny that Jews have a successful culture. However, their culture is highly dependent on the outside world. They constantly lobby western governments for assistance and work with Jews in those nations to help make it happen. Also, the success of Jews comes at the expense of the natives. See my previous post about the civil rights movement and immigration reform.

    A common theme I see in America, among whites, is snobbery towards Europe. If a group of American French or German people started lobbying the government for special favors for French or Germany and perhaps even spied for those nations, how would we react? Obviously, not very well! Yet, with Israel, we let such behavior slide!

    Like Asians… who seem to count as white to you?

    Asians do not count as white to me. I contrast them to the Jews because, while they too are successful, they are *NOT* aggressively trying to influence culture or finance like the Jews do.

    Since we’re speaking of race, I am curious as to yours. I’m Canadian-Canadian. English, Irish, Norwegian – Dutch some. Good old British commonwealth type. You wouldn’t happen to be one of these slavish slavs, would you? I’m rather affronted that you reject that most British of values – parliamentary democracy.


    I support Fascism (I’m also favorable towards National Socialism as well). You should read about the English fascist Sir Oswald Mosley:

    Is it because of your race? I have to say that I’m having second thoughts about all these un-British people we seem to have let into the country – as if “european” was a race

    European people definitely share an overall common genetic background, actually.

    btw, causing “non-white crime” is as weird a charge as I could have imagined – thanks for making this fun! But why does it bother you that the ethnics are killing each other? Because the Jews did it?

    Are you deluded to think that non-white crime does not affect whites? That is NOT the case!

  25. I’ve tried to post this two times already. It’s not showing up. I might be triggering a spam filter or something. I’ll try again (Apologies to Igor).


    On your claim that Israel is the least racist state in the middle east:

    Israel routinely turns away migrants and deports any who manage to find their way inside while pro-Israel Jewish leaders within America have no problem with amnesty for illegals, accepting refugees, and what not. You should also be aware that Israel’s standards for citizenship are very similar to those of National Socialist Germany (google “Law of Return”). Race is very important to Jews!

    If Jews feel it is important to protect their racial identity, why can’t whites?

  26. I believe that the percentage of black crime and aborigional crime that affects people of the same race is around 80%.

    “Were you in a cave when Germany’s Merkel practically groveled before the Israeli Knesset for forgiveness and proclaiming that Germany has a special duty to help and protect Israel?”

    Wonder where that came from. It speaks to your claim that Isrealis are protecting their racial identity. More like racial survival don’t you think? That is kind of the whole point isn’t it. Meanwhile, I haven’t noticed many anti-“white” pogroms lately. The closest would be 9/11 and attacks like it… and although Isreal’s small population has endured the equivalent of dozens of 9/11’s it hasn’t pre-emptively invaded Iraq lately has it? Now, I think that Isreal is far too liberal at times and that the Iraq invasion was not unjustified, and was the right course to take. Liberal? Simply take the example of Jenin. A refugee camp where more terrorist attacks during the second infitada had come from than any other was – not bombed – but attacked by Isreali commandos who telegraphed their attack to reduce civilian casualties and lost 23 men to 53 Palestinian losses – a rather striking figure for what most people seem to know as a massacre. No country in the world would send their men into what they knew was a death trap like this. Except Isreal. Not only are they the least anti-semetic country in the world (with a what, 20% arab population – while the jewish population of the arab countries is a)dead b)gone), they are clearly the least racist when they will risk men like that for the sake of another people when no other country in the world would. Family members of the lost soldiers took their government to court for risking the lives of their sons like that and you seem to believe this is the act of an exceptionally racist country, even by middle eastern standards.

    Meanwhile you somehow don’t take my point that Isreal doesn’t have a native population to have stolen all this wealth from. I don’t think that even you would give them so much credit as to have exploited all this from the people who lived in the territory now Isreal before. Perhaps you do believe that Isreal has exploited its wealth out of the arab populations that so often tried to destroy them? Allow me to assume you haven’t heard of the terrorist rocket attacks on the very power plant Isreal operates to give power to the Palestinian territories. Meanwhile Isreal’s per-capita GDP is around 26,000 while Egypt’s is around 5000. Is it a safe bet that Arab-Isrealis are the wealthiest Arab population in the middle east?

    If that doesn’t tell you anything, there’s no point arguing.

  27. So interting take you have there. Although, some forms of speech shouldn’t really be allowed.

  28. Bravo, Igor! I see that resistance to the Zionofascist warmongering usurpers of power is snowballing in Canada.

    Notice that the Zealots comprising that “nation within a nation”, exhorted by their Israel-loyal leaders to “unwavering support” and ever more frenetic cult-like identification with the world’s terrorist apartheid pariah, always come with the lies and ad hominems, throwing whatever mud they can in hopes that some will stick.

    Such tactics no longer work however, as Canadians have had quite enough of the Zionists games and aren’t bothering to check with the PC police if it is OK to criticize the self-styled natural rulers of the Goyim.

    We see that ‘friendship’ with the pit of vipers that is Israel is folly and leads to terrorist attack– by Israel’s Mossad, which then gets blamed on Arabs and is used to justify participation in genocidal wars against Israhells enemies!

    Recently Canada has been subjected to disgusting ZOG control: Canada Israel “public safety” integration, a Knesset liason inside Parliament, waronterror propaganda and a false flag Mossad subway bombing averted in the preliminary stage. Oh, and add to that Harper’s troop sharing agreement with the United States, another Israeli controlled, terrorist, Zionist appeasing country committing genocide for the Jews.

    But of course if Canadians tire of Harper’s Israel grovelling, there is that other Bilderberg-vetted supporter of globalism, Stephane (Zion) Dion waiting in the wings, dancing the Hora with Rae and Ignatieff, promising that their support will be even more ‘unwavering’ that Harper’s.

    Canada’s “Little Knesset” will continue to be alive and well if Canadians continue to be fooled by the Zionists propaganda. And we will continue to be subject to Zionists wars(thanks, Jews!), RCMP/CSIS/Mossad terrorist hoaxes and possible mass murder(thanks Jews!), no habeas corpus(thanks Jews!), no free speech(thanks Jews!), and increasing police state and militarization(Israelification).

    Zionist scum control Canada’s politicians because they control the media. Any flunky who steps out of line will suddenly be subject to ‘revelations of impropriety’ of some sort, setting the stage for the next Zionist candidate who is eager to prove loyalty to Israel over Canada.

    I know that there are Jews who are aware of this. I say to you, stop sitting on the fence. Repudiate evil now and declare yourselves opposed to atrocities committed in your names. The modern state of Israel is after all a blasphemy to real Jews. And to you Christian Zionists out there like that Stepford Wife of ZOG Stockwell Day, please ask someone to give your head a kick!

  29. […] Mark Steyn: The Canadian left vs the neo-con Jews May 15, 2008 – 12:35 pm […]

  30. Igor Alexander | Reply


    1. If Israel is such a Paradise on Earth, why don’t you and your entire family go move there — permanently? Believe me, you won’t be missed.

    2. You’re here making blatantly racist comments about the Semitic peoples of the Middle East, yet have the chutzpah to condemn me as an anti-Semite? No, Simon, you’re the anti-Semite!

    3. Whether Israel is actually a Paradise on Earth or not is quite irrelevant to whether I want my nation to support it financially and diplomatically, and my children to die for it.

    This may surprise you, but not all of us gentiles are gullible enough to confuse Jewish interests with our own. A day is rapidly approaching when not even sob stories about the holocaust will be enough to mask your true agenda from the general public.

  31. Igor Alexander | Reply

    “Although, some forms of speech shouldn’t really be allowed.”

    It amazes me that some people still feel that way after 10+ years of a largely uncensored medium like the Internet.

    The justification for hate speech laws used to be that if Canadians didn’t have them, there would be pogroms, blacks and Eskimos would be sacrificed to the god Odin, women would be chained to the kitchen stove and forced to cook meals for their children at gunpoint, and another Hitler would use the moment to seize power and Canadians would then be forced to live in a horrible, orderly society where the right to raise a family in a wholesome environment took precedence over the right of homosexuals to swap semen in the streets, and where white people of non-Jewish descent weren’t treated like second (or third) class citizens.

    Well, Canadians have had unrestricted access to “hate literature” through the Internet for over 10 years now, and regrettably, this scenario has yet to materialize. So we’ll have to assume that the censors’ fears were unfounded.

  32. I believe that the percentage of black crime and aborigional crime that affects people of the same race is around 80%.

    It speaks to your claim that Isrealis are protecting their racial identity. More like racial survival don’t you think? That is kind of the whole point isn’t it.

    Duh. You finally get it! Or do you? You believe its OK for “racial survival”, but you refuse to say that is an example of racism.

    You can’t have it both ways.

    Meanwhile, I haven’t noticed many anti-”white” pogroms lately.

    The closest would be 9/11 and attacks like it

    9/11 would be more of an anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist attack, based explicitly on the statements of the people involved.

    it hasn’t pre-emptively invaded Iraq lately has it?

    Israel’s friends have. Israel does not have the resources or the will to do these things on their own.

    Now, I think that Isreal is far too liberal at times

    I agree, to an extent. Israel banned Rabbi Kahane and his followers who actually believe that Israel should stand up for itself rather than depend on the outside world to do their bidding.

    However, Israel’s level of capitulation to their enemies and willingness to negotiate with them doesn’t change the fact that Israel is nonetheless an incredibly ethnocentric state.

    I don’t take a side in the conflict. I want America and Europe to be neutral. I only note the hypocritical nature of the people involved in taking the pro-Israel side.

    that the Iraq invasion was not unjustified

    Despite the fact that every single claim used to justify the invasion has been shown to be a lie?

    Not only are they the least anti-semetic country in the world

    Why would a Semitic country be anti-Semitic? Why would Israel tolerate anti-Semitism in their own nation? Of course Israel isn’t going to be anti-Semitic.

    they are clearly the least racist

    Are you stupid? I just got through DOCUMENTING Israel’s own clearly racist policies; policies of which are similar to those of National Socialist Germany!

    Family members of the lost soldiers took their government to court for risking the lives of their sons like that and you seem to believe this is the act of an exceptionally racist country, even by middle eastern standards

    Since when is the definition of “racist” the idea you kill people of other races? Do you consider me racist, despite the fact that I have committed no acts of violence to people who aren’t my race? Idiot.

    Meanwhile you somehow don’t take my point that Isreal doesn’t have a native population to have stolen all this wealth from. I don’t think that even you would give them so much credit as to have exploited all this from the people who lived in the territory now Isreal before. Perhaps you do believe that Isreal has exploited its wealth out of the arab populations that so often tried to destroy them?

    I never made the claim that they did. I told you, but you ignored, that Israel gets billions in aid from America. Idiot!

    If that doesn’t tell you anything, there’s no point arguing.

    There is no point in arguing because you are putting words into my mouth and ignoring the very points I make, preferring to transform the very specific things I say into things that are totally different than what I stated.

  33. Well shoot Igor, if our situation is so regrettable why don’t you leave? I promise not to miss you. hey, you’re with me on the sickness of the superceding rights to swap semen. You’re so thouroughly wrong otherwise I have to say its made my day! Fact is, Jews have had their culture attacked so often that out of defense they do not despise it like the practitioners of white guilt do theirs. Its really a “white” phenomenon – the nihilistic style of multiculturalism. I once told my brother in law that the US was the only western country having enough children to maintain its population. I thought he’d be as disturbed as I am about it. He was. He didn’t want to beleive that even one western country was having that many kids. He said it must be the mexican population. Orwell wrote about the English intellectuals who would be more ashamed of standing at attention for the national anthem than stealing. There was an English MP who killed himself after Napolean was beat the second time. This is hardly a jewish thing – and the fact that you blame it on the “jew” Mark Steyn who is the best know speaker against it on the planet says… something… about your thinking… what could it be Igor…

  34. “More than 80 percent of violent crime committed by blacks were perpetrated against black victims.”

    As it happens, also from the site you link to:

    Hey, I’m not saying that this is something to brush off. The same article makes the claim that “blacks” commit interracial crime at 56 times the rate of “whites”. I’m really quite delighted that you seem to beleive that blacks committing only 80% of their crimes against their fellow colour-eds constitutes a pogrom against whites comparable in any way to the centuries old history of genocidal attacks on Jewish people, not to mention the Holocaust. It brings a smile to my face. In the sea of a cold secular technochracy of logic and science I will always be able to turn to white supremacists for rank nincompoopery!

    Oh, by the way, you do blame this on the Jews, right? I’m not flagrantly distorting you again to say that you blame the Jews for however it was that America came to have a – apparently regrettable to you – black population that seems to have some sort of greivance for how it all came about? How could that possibly occur to you? …hmmmm ; )

    (“…and in working to utterly destroy working class white neighborhoods and turn them into multicultural ghettos rife with non-white crime…”)

    The sick thing about it is that the multiculters who are so personally concerned about any manifestation of white racism simply don’t care about the sad fact of black interracial crime. I agree with them that its important for white folk to not be racist, but we part ways when they don’t extend this to other members of our countries which they apparently, ironically see as different from themselves. They, frankly, don’t care if a non-white group has remnants of racism. Its not personal because its not them and they excuse and coddle minority crime because they see minorites as helpless people so utterly subject to the power of malignant white culture that they cannot but rob and kill – because they’re oppressed! They think that the only people with moral agency are white. I’d say this is why higher rates of minority incarceration occur in democrat-leaning states and the racial riots of past decades were focussed there too. The culture of black helplessness is encouraged there the most. Nothing is more racially chauvanist than Liberalism. So I’m afraid you, White Power, have a lot more in common with them than we Jewboy neocons types do. (oh, btw, when I was in high school I helped pass around a petition in favour of fighting terrorism by creating a democratic government in Iraq. Don’t recall much in the way of Jews in my small prarie town. Heck, we Canadians were even in the Boer war back in the day… yet another Jewish neocon conspiracy?)

    But anyhow! Where were we? I see you go on blitheringly about the racist nature of Isreal and call me an Idiot! for making my claim that Isreal is the least racist country in the world. I’ll state my case once more:

    Isreal is the least anti-semetic country in the world because it does not excuse Arab terrorism. They actually grant the other semetic people – as you called them! – the gift of recognizing their moral agency. You doof! You’re the one who makes the claim that “Arabs are Semitic and discriminated against by Israel”. Ok, so if Isreal is the least racist country in the world towards Arabs then they are the least anti-semetic. See Jenin. Obviously you are incapable of comprehending what I’m writing because my point about Jenin was clear. Isreal risked the lives of her men to protect the lives of the Arab civilians in Jenin in a way that no other country in the world would. This, for a people who are apparently dedicated to the destruction of Isreal. This is practically the definition of unracist and the opposite of “collective punishment”. Tell me you get this!

    So a country that does that, and has a 20% Arab population, and has an Arab on the Supreme court, and has Bedouins in its army, and runs a power plant giving electricity to palestinian territory while palestinian militants attack that very plant, is sooooo “racist” that it totally justifies North Americans running their own “ethnostate” on land we took rather more recently than any historical Jewish claim on Isreal while nobody is trying to kill us – except Bin Laden I suppose who’s “anti-Zionist” crusade for some reason names the retaking of Spain several hundered years ago by the Christians as one of his greivances, along with that well know Zionist action of the first gulf war and the stationing of American troops in Saudi Arabia which protected that narrow Jewish interest of world oil supply. Gee!


    1.I’m unsure, but if I recall right, you sympathetically mention non-democratic Arab and Afghan ways of living as traditions that work for them. Shouldn’t we end our neo-con imposition of democracy on the new world and leave the natives here to live their traditions free of our white Zionism? If we have a right to impose what you see as our white culture specific ways of life on North America, why not Afghanistan… even apart from the whole Al-Queda thing? Or, if you do not consider democracy to be all that its crackered up to be, what right do we have to impose whatever our “white” culture is on these lands? Should we not go back to whatever European ethnostate we came from (or perhaps split time for those like us with varied backgrounds) and stay there? Or should we somehow run an “ethnostate” that equally represents Native culture?

    2. I forget this question. Oh, yeah, if Asians have a more succesful and non-leeching culture than whites, should they kick us out like you would apparently like to the Jews? How ever else shall they protect their culture?!

    Pre-emtive invasions… “Isreal’s freind’s have.” Oh geez this is puerile. America attacked Iraq so there wouldn’t be a terrorist haven or source of weapons from Hussein. All lies you say! You really do have a lot in common with liberals… while the well know Zionist irun intelligence agencies of France, Germany, Russia had this inclination to beleive that Hussein had WMD possibly based on the fact that Hussien used them against Iran… and the Kurds – might have had something to do with UN weapons inspectors kicking around and getting kicked out of Iraq dontcha know. Now, in retrospect it seems a little off to have thought that Hussien would really give terrorists training grounds and weapons. At the time though, I seem to recall that people had the idea that it would be good for 9/11 to not happen again – ever. And at a time when America was on its heels simply retaliating by attacking Al Queda in Afghanistan might not have made enough of an impression on the minds of those who might like to kick when she was down. I seem to recall something about Syria and Libya giving up their weapons for some reason not all that temporally disconnected from the Iraq invasion. Notably enough the Islamic Jihad Boys thought Iraq was important and all poured into Iraq to defeat the old paper tiger and create a new Islamist state. You can definately argue that Iraq was an overreach or foolish but there’s no question that it made clear that America is not quite a paper tiger.

    “Also, the success of Jews comes at the expense of the natives.”

    What’s this? Why isn’t this one of those things you didn’t say?

    “Isreal gets billions in aid from America…”

    yes and so does Egypt. Egypt is not remotely as successful as Isreal. There is a certain conclusion that might follow if you had a brain undoofofisized by JewBlame.

  35. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Wolfe: Are you trying to argue that Jews had nothing whatsoever to do with pushing multiculturalism on the West? If so, you’re either a liar, or are ignorant of your own history. MacDonald’s Culture of Critique covers the bases quite nicely.

    I’m not saying that Jews are solely responsible for the current situation, but they certainly deserve some of the blame. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

    “Fact is, Jews have had their culture attacked so often that out of defense they do not despise it like the practitioners of white guilt do theirs.”

    That’s a good point. I’ve noticed that Jews have had a tough time cracking Quebec, most likely because the French-speaking population of that province sees itself as an aggrieved victim group, much as Jews do. A lot of the crap that would pass in Anglo-majority provinces just won’t fly in Quebec. Unfortunately, white Quebeckers seem to be miscegenating themselves out of existence, most likely because their identity is based on language rather than on race (and no doubt because they too have swallowed the poison of white guilt to a certain extent). Once Quebec’s racial base has been eroded, I doubt its culture will survive.

    “…the fact that you blame it on the ‘jew’ Mark Steyn who is the best know speaker against it on the planet says… something… about your thinking… what could it be Igor…”

    I didn’t “blame” Steyn for anything, but I do consider his Jewish lineage to be relevant to the position he’s taking regarding Islam (much as Nicolas Sarkozy’s Jewish ancestry is relevant to his trying to pass one of the most extreme public school holocaust indoctrination programs France has ever seen).

  36. The distinction implicit in my point is that as opposed to Jews I think that white multiculturalists are prone to a self-agnegating kind of “multiculturalism”. Its got nothing to do with respecting other cultures – its all about pulling them like a smothering blanket over what they consider their own culture:

    “The largest mosque in Western Europe is to be built alongside the 2012 London Olympics. For their church property, London’s Kingsway International Christian Church—the largest in Europe—has been shunted.”

    Positive multiculturalism would not take the land of a church to replace it with a mosque – it would find a way to make space for both. The former, very white, mayor of London apparently did not want there to be space for both. The pastor of that church is Nigerian. And in the Anglican church, the “conservative” leaders, meaning those who beleive in their faith, are Ugandan and Pakistan born bishops. Its the white guy saying that Britain should probably allow sharia law in its borders.–Islam-filling-void.html

    Lucky for Britain, eh? Doesn’t seem to be about the genes after all – unless its that white genes are the problem. I don’t know if you have read that Jewish Article of Steyns that you linked to. Rather distinct British flavour. Looks like the Jewish World Review represents something more than just Jewish interests. This is the point that the Jew-boys Harper and MacKay make about anti-semitism – that the kind of nationalism that will antagonize other nationalities for its own gain doesn’t stop with just the Jews. Its why remembering the holocaust is important regardless of your identity.

    I don’t oppose multiculturalism per se. If it means the kind of melting pot or co-assimilation that has lead to countries like Canada and the U.S. then I am all for it. A great number of very different cultures from all over the world have melded into one. Quebec is indeed quite different. The francophones still see themselves as a racial or national group with selfish interests competing with other groups. This is why when the current Premier met with Jewish leaders cartoons of the insidious Jooos putting their Kosher stamp on him were published that nobody from another province could have imagined being printed in our country.

    This is something for the rest of Canada to be proud of. Different cultures can work together and unify. And we know that culture and what it is to be Canadian or American is not defined by some magic gene – something that I’m guessing a guy named Igor in an English country knows about.

  37. Igor Alexander | Reply

    Wolfe: I don’t have time for a long response, but in a nutshell:

    1. The type of “Tiger Woods,” melting pot multiculturalism of which you approve is precisely the type that I oppose the most. I consider this to be the most harmful, irreversibly destructive type of multiculturalism there is. This is why I have less of a problem with Muslim immigrants who refuse to assimilate than with, say, second generation Asian immigrants who (at least superficially) manage to blend in.

    2. The type of multiculturalism of which you approve is precisely the type of multiculturalism which organized Jewry has been promoting in the West for the last century (at least). The reason Jews and their neo-con pals are to some extent turning against multiculturalism at this stage is because ‘we’ have let in too many immigrants who are hostile to Jews and Israel and who refuse to assimilate into Hollywood/MTV-style “Western” culture. Interestingly, the type of multiculturalism which Jews think is great for Canada and the United States is something that most Jews would vehemently oppose for Israel. I think that says a lot. If someone offered you a drink which they refused to take a sip of themselves, would you be daft enough to guzzle it down?

    3. I agree that whites have some racially suicidal tendencies. These tendencies have been encouraged by Jews in the media and in academia.

    4. Your hostility towards Quebec is noted. Jews don’t like Quebeckers because they’re harder to manipulate. In fact, Jews don’t like any group that is too similar to their own (i.e., having a strong collective identity, like Quebeckers and Muslims).

    5. You can scoff at my belief in genetic determinism all you want, but the Stephen Jay Goulds and Jared Diamonds (who are both, curiously enough, of Jewish descent) of the world notwithstanding, the evidence is clearly starting to weigh on the side of nature over nurture. (Actually, the evidence for nature over nurture has been there all along, but it’s been suppressed or ignored. It’s going to be much harder to ignore in the coming decades, however.)

    I feel like all I’m doing here is repeating the same points over and over. If we’re not going to move on to something new, I say we call it a day.

  38. […] JOOOOOOZ! Mark Steyn: The Canadian left vs the neo-con Jews …. […]

  39. Hostile is a rather interesting term to use for my view of Quebec. Its much more pity. I feel let down on their behalf that they live in an oldtime ethnic paradigm in the new world. The attitude that racial groups have competing interests hasn’t exactly been a fount of progress. It hurts Quebecers by driving other groups out of their province and it hurts those who stay by placing them at a disadvantage under language laws and biased attitudes. Meanwhile that JudeoChristian country below the 49th parallel – the most successful country in the world – blends formerly competing ethnic groups like the Scots, Irish, English, Slavic, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and so on.

    Its pretty absurd to claim that “most Jews” would oppose a multi-ethnic model for Isreal:–israel–and-the-palestinians-br–the-true-story-11355

    They try and succeed to an impressive extent even though the Arab groups around them don’t want to live together, they want to kill the Isrealis. (20% arab pop, Arab Supreme Court justice, Bedoins and Arabs in the IDF… guess who else is repeating points) Are second generation Asians going to kill you? Is that why Tiger Woods is so intent on brushing up his ominous club-swinging skills? If not, then there is a blazing great difference between promoting a racially tolerant state in north america and a racially protective state in the middle east. What do French, Slavs, Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Scots, Spaniards, Romans etc have in common that anyone else necessarily does not? Pigment is not exactly a culture, eh? On what basis do you claim North America for your meta-ethnic construct of Europeans? If Jews have no validity in your mind to encourage racial tolerance do you think we have a right to impose an ethno-state on Native lands here?

    Oh the Jews. Funny that Mark Steyn – who is genetically a Jew in your view doesn’t seem to be very in tune with the kill whitey agenda. Nor Ezra Levant – who really is a Jew! And I repeat for the third time my twice misapprehended contention that Jews do not advance suicidal multiculturalism – the primary defining factor of which is that it does not get applied to other groups. An essential trust of the HR tribunals is to attack what its sponsors consider to be traditional white culture – to the extent of going after Steyn’s writings which argue that ascendent Islamic populations will destroy the tolerant nature of western countries. If the commissions were truly about tolerance they would be used against the bigotry of some Muslims and not by Richard Warman who tellingly complains as a white male on behalf of groups not white and male against white males. In other words its not about tolerance to the people who have advanced this aspect of the commissions – whether they realize it or not it is white suicide. The Jewish groups and individuals who support it are acting out of self-defense to attempt to stifle racially agressive attitudes that they beleive have and will lead to pogroms and halocausts. White people use it against what they consider to be themselves. (despite the obvious idiocy of their racially chauvanistic beleive that Christianity is owned by white culture.)


  40. […] has been all over the story of Mark Steyn facing the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, but I think Igor Alexander has made one important observation most others are neglecting: What’s fascinating about this case is that Canadian Humans Rights Tribunals have for years been […]

  41. #14 Igor Alexander

    “I’m sure that if one were to study the origins of the laws criminalizing “holocaust denial” in Switzerland and France (both fairly recent laws, having only been passed in the last 20 years), one would find Jewish organizations and individuals behind those as well. Jews have been and continue to be a far greater threat to free speech than Muslims could ever hope to be.”

    You are so right! I have startede compiling some information about so far France, Holland, England, Canada and the US.

    And in different ways in different countries the patttern is the same:

    What comes pretty clear so far is that many of the hate speech laws and pro multicult legislation were designed by Jews, rabbies and Jewish Lords, and proposed by Jewish politicians in the case of Britain, France, Canada, and the US. I think this will be hard to deny from that material, even though my humble articles are neither complete nor ‘scientific’.

    In Holland the legislation so far does not seem to be imposed by Jewish politicians to a large extent, but the whole Internet surveilance, censorship and monotoring for ‘racism’, ‘anti-semitism’, and the like is pretty much in the hands of Jewish organizations and individuals, closely cooperating with government institutions, the police and Zionist organizations, including ‘holocaust centered’ institutions.

    I got more to come on other countries. And ‘free speech’ and ‘human rights organizations’ as a seperate chapter.

    Start at this page about Britain and follow the links at the bottom to the other countries.

    Jewish Involvement in Immigration and Hate Speech Legislation – Britain

    If somebody has relevant information which could fit in with these articles, please write.

    What I consider most valuable is names, proposals, laws, dates; verifyable stuff like that.

  42. Hey Balder.

    Thanks as always for sharing your findings. The link you gave above isn’t working. Here is the correct URL:

  43. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

  44. I just want to let you know that I have benefited from the information here. Thanks a lot.

  45. Those filthy kikes.

    “Jews were perfectly willing to support hate speech laws as long as those laws were serving Jewish interests. Now that those laws are becoming an impediment to Jewish interests (i.e., to getting the West embroiled in a protracted war against Islam), they want to get rid of them. It’s amazing how members of a group that makes up less than 2 or 3 per cent of the population always wind up setting the agenda for the rest of us.”

  46. I appreciate what the Jews have done for the U.S. I have found that the people who, for the most part, are liars are Muslims. If you were not so anti-Semitic and so myopic in your views, you might actually be capable of “seeing.” However, when people have a lower intelligence quotient, like yourself, I understand that that’s a difficult task to accomplish.

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